According to leading experts, the next biggest development on the internet to follow the current video platforms and social networks boom will take place in virtual worlds. Organisations that are taking their first steps into the third dimension today will have a decisive advantage over their competition tomorrow.
In the February edition of the Harvard Business Review, the article “Breakthrough Ideas for 2008” states that “the next dominant internet interface is likely to be the metaverse, where people interact and do business through avatars that actually inhabit the virtual space. Lessons for how companies should prepare to compete and survive in that environment come from historical parallels in the early days of broadcasting.” In 2007, Gartner already predicted that in the year 2011, eighty percent of all internet users would also be using the virtual world. Whilst these predictions may not be entirely accurate, it is certain that virtual worlds are here to stay. The only question that remains is how they can be used in a profitable manner by companies and organisations.

Second life is currently the biggest virtual world and in May 2008 had 13 million registered users. It is estimated that there are over 50 million avatars in all virtual worlds put together. A large number of other worlds are still in development. These worlds are different in terms of their target groups, complexity and position. Currently, there is everything from simple browser-based worlds (with low access hurdles and limited computer graphics) to worlds with games consoles (greater access hurdles and excellent graphics). Before opting for any of these worlds, you must ask yourself which one is better suited to my organisation? And is my brand sufficiently well known to create its own world?

A decision to enter into the world of virtual worlds is thinkable in just about any sector of business. Depending on the product, market and target group in question, there are a number of different possibilities. Here are some examples:
- Marketing:
The most obvious area but not always worthwhile. Depending on your market and target group, there is a lot of potential, especially in the areas of customer loyalty, sponsoring, eventmarketing and advertising. - Higher and further education:
Currently the fastest growing sector. - Human Ressources/Recruiting
The difficulty in finding qualified personnel is now affecting
almost every sector. Virtual worlds offer the possibility of reaching
potential candidates. - Internal communications:
An effective improvement for existing communication channels, especially for multinational companies. - Pre- and after-sales service
Virtual worlds are interpersonal media and, if desired, open up new forms of communication with customers and business partners. - Market research/research and development:
In this area, virtual worlds can be used for anything from laboratory tests to quantitative analyses.

We will help your organisation or company find its way into virtual worlds. After we have introduced you to the different worlds and their possibilities, we will sit together and work on an efficient strategy for your organisation or company. Obviously, we will endeavour to take into account the specific conditions of a 3-D environment and the communication and modes of interaction of virtual worlds without losing sight of your actual corporate identity.
Virtual worlds are our core business. We already have three years experience with second life projects and are continually expanding our portfolio with every new world that has promise for our customers. We cover all areas from concept building to design and programming, all from under one roof. What's more, our company can look back at ten successful years in online marketing which means that we have the necessary marketing know-how.
Come and talk to us. There's a lot more to discover. |