bavarikon3D – Art and cultural treasures from Bavarian cultural institutions in 3D
The bavarikon3D app presents highly important art and cultural objects from Bavarian cultural institutions digitized in 3D for iPad and iPhone. The app was developed by us together with the Chair for Applied Software Engineering Prof. Brügge at the Technical University Munich for the Bavarian State Library.
Seven objects are featured in the initial 'inventory' of bavarikon3D and the app will continually expand to include new objects. A push message will inform users as soon as a new object is included. The first 3D objects selected include sculptures, plastic art, historical globes and medieval scripts.
On the iPad and iPhone touch-screen, you can control how of all of these unique art treasures are displayed by moving them back and forth, turning them around and moving them in every possible direction. This will allow you to see them even from angles that are not normally possible when viewing them in the conventional manner. Thanks to high-resolution digital imagery, you can zoom in and see every single detail of the object. bavarikon3D will provide the user with a close-up, almost haptic experience of a virtual object of art. This provides a further digital art experience in addition to seeing it live in the museum. Users will not only see the objects but also see descriptions and get additional information about the artist is question.
“Knowledge in a digital age” symposium on 18th November 2013 at the Apple Store in Berlin
From left to right: Dr. Klaus Ceynowa, Dr. Andreas Degkwitz, Prof. Wolfgang Henseler, Hannes Hintermeier, Prof. Dr. Walther Ch. Zimmerli, Gunter Dueck
On 18 November, the app was also presented at the Apple store in Berlin (Kürfurstendamm branch) as part of an event called “Knowledge in the digital age – non-linearity, multimediality, media convergence.” This particular lecture format asks questions like: What is new and what will remain once reading and learning, thinking and creativity all take place only in a digital environment? What is the significance of the end of linear writing on the internet? How do you keep track of things in a multi-medial environment without boundaries that is permanently being fed with new internal links and networks? How can we come to terms with the fact that real and virtual worlds are increasingly indistinguishable?
Vodafone Public Brain Award for Bayern in Historischen Karten
After picking up third prize last year for the Ludwig II. app, this year we were able to win first prize. The Bavarian State Librarys app entitled Bayern in Historischen Karten (Bavaria in Historic Maps), which was created by us, won this year's Vodafone Public Brain Award. We would like to say thank you and are very thrilled to receive this award..
The Bavarian State Secretary of Finance, Johannes Hintersberger presented the award and said: “It's a magnificent and unique combination of current technology with historic maps. It brings Bavarian history closer and makes learning fun. Users are able to see Bavaria in a number of different time dimensions. Congratulations!“
From left to right: State Secretary Mr Johannes Hintersberger of the Bavarian State Ministry for Finance, State Development and Homeland, Dr. Rolf Griebel, Director General of the Bavarian State Library, Dr. Klaus Ceynowa, Bavarian State Library Deputy Director General, Stefan Kondmann, Vodafone, Regional Sales Manager for Southern Germany
The jury released the following statement regarding their decision to give us the award:
“The 'Bavaria in Historic Maps' app takes users on a fascinating journey of discovery around Bavaria's towns, places and art monuments. What distinguishes it, above all, is the unique combination of current geo-data technology with historic material. It has really succeeded in combining existing public information with current technological possibilities.”
Recommended exhibition: there is currently an exhibition on at the Bavarian State Library, solely dedicated to the oldest map included in the app – originating from Philip Apian.
Mapping Bavaria – the 450th anniversary of Philipp Apian's large map
Opening times:
Monday - Friday: 10 am to 6pm, Saturday and Sunday: 1pm to 5pm Closed from 24th December 2013 to 1st January 2014 and on 6th January 2014
The #mtc14 doesn't begin until March next year, but as we all know, “time flies when you are having fun”. So it's never to early to mention it and tell you to “save the date” in your diary.
New at the conference: Markus Bokowsky will be giving a workshop, for which you must first register. The workshop is about the process of developing apps from a conceptional and strategic standpoint.
Mobile Product Development – how does it work?: Planning, designing, developing and marketing apps.
A decision-taker workshop for all those who want to successfully develop mobile apps and services. Experienced mobile experts will give insight into the most important phases of app development: how to develop a coherent and media-suitable concept, defining fundamental requirements, determining target groups. And, of course, which specific added values should your app provide?
We will cover all the stages of app development and reveal all the particularities, which are different compared to creating classic websites, introduce helpful tools and explain the technicalities that even non-programmers need to understand in order to determine reasonable targets and take the right decisions.
The individual stages:
Strategy & concept
Devices & Platforms
Usability & Design
Choice of technology and programming
Distribution & Promotion
Success evaluation & maintenance
Together with proven experts in these individual areas, Markus Bokowsky, will guide participants through the process of app development and use practical examples and numerous hands-on elements to convey a comprehensive picture of all aspects beyond actual programming itself.
Admitedly, Augmented Reality is not the first thought that comes to mind when talking about the latest craze but the technology has come of age and last year, there were a number of useful applications created in many sectors of trade. Next year, Wearables will ensure that AR once again gathers speed. A good place to see what's going on in the sector is always the insideAR conference every autumn. We too were there and saw many interesting new cases that would take too long to all describe. So we're glad we found this excellent Video-reportage of the insideAR on And the king is featured too :-)
Review cfcamp
As already announced in the last newsletter we were again represented at this year's CFCamp. The idea of supplying visitors with Club-Mate and fritz-kola to keep them awake was, as it turned out, an excellent choice, as we saw only wide-awake faces the whole time. Markus' talk about video on the Web and mobile devices also had a good turnout. To see the slides, please visit Slideshare.
Video Now! a comprehensive guide to video on your website
Today videos are on almost every website. With Flash and the FLV-Player embeding them had been a nobrainer. But things have changed, there is HTML5 now all over the place and mobile devices give us new challenges. This talk will show you what to consider when it comes to bringing videos to the web which should work with any browser on any device on any bandwith.
On march 7-11 the first mega event is smashing in, the interactive section of SXSW is taking place in Austin, Texas. SXSW became one of the must-be events of the year also for the european internet community. Book your flights and hotel early, Austin is always packed at these days in March.
2013 is coming to an end, so let's have a short outlook at what's coming up next year. It starts with a highlight in January, DLD is taking place in Munich 19-21 January. I know, it's hard to get an invitation, but all tracks will be again streamed. Almost as good as being live on Site ;-)
Deutsch für Dich. – Goethe-Institut's new Community to learn German
Deutsch für Dich (German for You) is a new interactive platform on the internet to learn and teach German. The community is free of charge; users can improve their skills with interactive learning games. They can search for learning material for all levels and on a variety of different topics. As it's a community commenting and liking is available throughout the whole platform. Deutsch für Dich is a central personalized view on all the interactive language-learning material the Goethe-Institut offers online. It supports the commercial German courses by the Goethe-Institut and will develop into a central hub for people interested in learning/teaching German as a foreign language.
Sure, working on your grammar and vocabulary skills is still an essential part of learning a foreign language, but why not having some fun while doing it? There are already plenty of examples on the Goethe-Institut website, how to do that, Deutsch für Dich will develop into the central hub for these material online.
You could also call it a social network for German teachers and learners worldwide. Users can create a profile, make new friends, post messages and become learning partners.
Users will find in Deutsch für Dich well-known features from other successful social networks. Things work as expected and it's all done in a state of the art manner using state of the art technology. First thing you see after login is a wall covering all recent activities, there is a members section, a message section and a section to manage your profile. But there is much more, e.g. 100+ interactive learning games covering all levels and a variety of topics as well as a huge forum to get in contact and communicate with others.
This is the first in a row of applications we are currently developing for the Goethe-Institut, there is a lot more to come in the near future. The project is based on the Social-Media Framework CONTENS relate and had been developed closely together with CONTENS Software GmbH.
Deutsch für Dich is in public beta since beginning of September and has already 7,000+ registered users, which we think is a tremendous success. It is free of charge, even if you are not learning German please have a look, and native speakers are also very welcome.
Remark: Of course protection of privacy is extraordinary important also for this project. So, all screenshots you see here illustrating the project are mock-ups. None of the users exists, all accounts are specially created for the screenshots, none of the content is real, and all screenshots are done in a test-environment with dummy users.
Launch of our latest App at the 5th Bavarian eGovernment user forum
Our latest project in the mobile sector will launch on October 15th. It is an iOS app we developed together with the Chair for Applied Software Engineering Prof. Brügge at Technische Universität München. We can't reveal what it is all about yet, but you can join the launch if you want. It will take place at the panel: Education, Art and Culture digital at the 5th bavarian eGovernment user forum, Tuesday, 15th October, Munich old Fairground.
MobileTechCon's Fall Edition found a new home in Berlin at Grand Hyatt Potsdamer Platz. In great Atmosphere we discussed three days the present and future of Mobile Business. Markus gave a talk about Video and Mobile; you can find the slides of his talk here on Slideshare.
Video Now! A comprehensive guide to video on your website Today videos are on almost every website. With Flash and the FLV-Player embeding them had been a nobrainer. But things have changed, there is HTML5 now all over the place and mobile devices give us new challenges. This talk will show you what to consider when it comes to bringing videos to the web which should work with any browser on any device on any bandwith.
Its been almost a tradition, that the small but lively ColdFusion Developer Scene meet once a year in October at the CFCamp near Munich. As we develop web projects with ColdFusion for almost 15 years now and still use it for new stuff we are very proud to participate also this year as a sponsor. Come and visit our booth in the exhibition hall. Markus will also give a talk in the main conference. If you are looking for an opportunity to get an introduction to ColdFusion, don't hesitate and register for the free ColdFusion startup workshop on Sunday, registration is still open.
CFCamp 2013, 14-15 Oktober, Stadthalle Germering.
Europe's biggest AR-Conference looks really promising this year. AR Pioneer and insideAR organizer Metaio announced to present the first AR-Browser as well as the first real AR Application on Google Glass. There will be also showcases and talks about AR in Automotive by Audi and Mercedes-Benz as well as some inside views on current projects for IKEA and Mc Donald's. insideAR takes place on October 10-11 in Munich. The location has changed, it's now in the small Olympiahalle. We are present as well, this year not as a exhibitor, but as a visitor, as we don't have a freshly launched AR Project.
Bayern in Historischen Karten – Jetzt auch für Android
The App we produced for our client, the Bavarian State Library is now also available for Android. It contains the same features and content as the iOS Version. Geocoded historical Maps from 5 Centuries, all Bavarian communes as POI. Portraits of 600 Castles, Palaces and Monasteries as well as fascinating historical engravings scaled and optimized for the display size of your device. Of course it’s not just a 1 by 1 port from iOS, but a real native Android App leveraging the features Android gives us and following the Android UI and Look and Feel.
It’s no problem to load the app on the go as it is just 10 MB in size, as we load the content in real time from the internet. It’s optimized for all Display Sizes starting with 3.6 inch smartphones up to 10 inch tablets.
As a sneak peak before downloading have a look at this video, it was part of Bavarian televisions leading evening news program "Rundschau".
We had been also very happy to find a long article covering the iOS version of the app in "Süddeutsche Zeitung".
Die Süddeutsche Zeitung schreibt:
"Jeder Besitzer eines Smartphones oder eines Tablet-Computers kann sich mithilfe dieser App auf eine Entdeckungsreise begeben, und man sollte sich hüten, dies lediglich als ein billiges Vergnügen abzutun. Denn die App bringt dem Betrachter die Geschichte Bayerns und seiner Kartografie ganz ohne Paukermief näher."
"Apian würde sich wohl vor Begeisterung im Grab umdrehen, wenn er erleben könnte, dass die sich auf ihn stützende App als sogenannte Location-Based-ServicesApplikation gestaltet ist, was zwar wahnsinnig kompliziert klingt, aber dem Reisenden dennoch eine einfache Handhabung und ein umfassendes historisches und geografisches Wissen garantiert."
You may ask: Who on earth needs that? And we have to answer: well, frankly speaking probably nobody, but so what we gave it a try anyway and here it is, our very own corporate Bokowsky + Laymann App. It is basically mirroring our existing social media channels and gives you all the news about our company concentrated at one place. Included is our Facebook channel including all the photos as a separate tab, our twitter feed, all our videos on YouTube as well as a list of our apps with the ability to directly load them. Also this newsletter has its own tab and is accessible via the app.
This App is not developed by ourselves, but a kind of "out-of-the-box" product by a company called Tobit witch we gave a try as a sort of experience on ourselves. It looks like a clever idea for some use cases. You manage it completely via a Facebook plugin. Some tabs are already there ready to use, but you can also develop your own, within the restrictions of HTML5.
We think, this could be a clever way getting an own app for companies that can't afford a real app or do not have the content or business case for it but nevertheless want an app in the app-Stores and are already present in social networks. E.g. retail, gastronomy, clubs etc. If you want to know more, just contact us, we are happy to share our experience and help you setting up your own app. Maybe use already the app for that, an internal communication system is also included.
Rückblick webinale
Let’s put it that way, webinale was really great this year and if you haven't been there you really missed something. Especially the keynotes had been terrific. Unfortunately most of them are not available as video, but to give you a glimpse what you might have missed here are two interviews filmed on site with the extraordinary Prof. Bernhard Pörksen speaking about the end of privacy and Quantified Self Guru Florian Schumacher. The "Internet of things" Keynote by Prof. Wolfgang Henseler is available in full length on YouTube. (All Videos German language only)
Interview mit Prof. Dr. Bernhard Pörksen über Skandalisierung in den digitalen Medien:
Interview mit Quantified Self Experte Florian Schumacher:
Oh, wait, our very own Markus Bokowsky had been also there of course, his talk is also not available as video but the slides are online.
Finally we are happy to share some brand new insider information with you; there will be another Webinale this year concentrating more on the design aspect. It will take place 2-3 December in Munich.
Mobile Technology Conference 2013 Berlin
The autumn edition of German’s leading mobile developer conference is moving to berlin and takes place on 2-5 September in the awesome Grand Hyatt Hotel at Potsdamer Platz. Our very own Markus Bokowsky had been again part of the advisory board, so expect 4 days of high class workshops, talks and keynotes.
Markus himself will speak about Video on the web and on mobile on Wednesday, 5th September 4.15pm. As his talk will be in German, we didn't translate the abstract either, so here it is, have a look.
How-to Video heute: im Web, mobile und überhaupt 04.09.2013 | 16:15 Uhr | Isozaki-Kollhoff Saal
Videos sind heute ein selbstverständlicher Bestandteil jeder Homepage. War die Einbindung früher "dank" Flash und FLV-Player unspektakulär, sind mit HTML5 und den mobilen Devices neue Möglichkeiten, aber auch neue Herausforderungen hinzugekommen. Dieser Vortrag ist ein Streifzug durch die komplette Prozesskette und beleuchtet die dabei entstehenden Fragen: Welche Formate soll ich anbieten? In welchen Auflösungen? In welchen Kodierungen? Was machen mit den mobilen Devices? HLS ja oder nein, und wenn ja, wie? Selber encoden oder besser in der Cloud machen lassen? Wie krieg' ich das in mein CMS zurück, und soll es da überhaupt hin? Und last but not least was tun, wenn man ein CDN nutzen muss/möchte? Oder spart man sich den ganzen Aufwand doch besser, stellt seine Videos einfach auf YouTube und lässt Google die Arbeit machen? Eine 360-Grad-Betrachtung der Aufgabenstellung Video im Web und auf mobilen Devices zwischen Bequemlichkeit und Perfektionismus.
Deutsche Spuren, German Traces, בעקבות גרמניה, Alemanha Aqui, Stopy nemeckej kultúry
This is our first really international App. It's a location based service App for the Goethe-Institut - the Federal Republic of Germany’s cultural institution operational worldwide - and it hitted the App-Story a couple of days ago. The App is your guide to traces of german history and present for various countries and places. We start with traces in Brasil, Israel and Bratislava, more will follow.
It's a really multilingual App. It includes all 5 languages, depending of the language your iPhone is set to, you get the corresponding content in that language. For a perfect user experience you can download the content to the App, but don't worry, we're not wasting your valuable SSD space, you only download the traces you're interested in. We bundled them in packages, one for Brasil, one for Israel and so on.
Here's what they say on the AppStore:
Take a journey of discovery with the Goethe-Institut’s “Deutsche Spuren” (i.e. German traces) app: an interactive tour guide for the Federal Republic of Germany’s globally active cultural institute. Follow German footsteps in Israel, Brazil or Bratislava in Slovakia: read and listen to descriptions of places with a connection to Germany – put together by local Goethe-Instituts. Learn more about architecture, history or people and look at pictures and videos.
The Goethe-Institut has been and is internationally active for over sixty years and in over 90 countries around the world: it promotes knowledge of the German language abroad, conveys a comprehensive picture of Germany and cultivates international cultural cooperation. With the aid of local expertise, the Goethe-Institut is able to include both well-known as well as not-so-well-known traces in the app.
“Deutsche Spuren” is an information product of the Goethe-Institut for at home and on the road. With the map view, you can browse among trails and traces at home, as well. On location, the app enables a search for traces in your vicinity and provides an augmented reality view. The app also functions offline after downloading the data of one of the available countries or places. The product is continually updated and will soon be available for additional locations.
To promote the App we produced this Trailer. It's the most elaborate we ever did, Please invest 2.02 Minutes and have a look, we really love it. If you also do, please don't hesitate and comment on YouTube. The same of course is true for the App itself, we appreciate not only every download, but also every comment on the AppStore.
In addition the traces are also available as POIs in the leading Augmented-Reality Browsers Junaio, Layar and Wikitude. Simply search for Goethe-Institut or the following chanels: Deutsche Spuren, German Traces, בעקבות גרמניה, Alemanha Aqui, Stopy nemeckej kultúry. But be warned, you need to be in Brasil, Israel or Slowakia to find them, as the AR-Browsers work with a maximum distance range.
We would realy love to see as many from you as possible to install the App, even if you're not living in one of the countries covered and of course, we would also love to hear your feedback.
MobileTech Campus-Initiative: We give away 30 Conference Tickets for free.
Together with Software & Support Media we give 30 students the opportunity to take part in Germanys leading mobile Developer Conference. All you have to do is, fill out the online form and apply for a ticket. If you are amongst the 30 lucky winners, we are happy to see you at the conference.
On March 12-13 Munich is hosting again MobileTech Conference, the place to be for developers, Consultants and mobile Evangelists. Same as last year, students of informatics, computer sience or similar courses can apply to get one of 30 free tickets. All you have to do is fill out the online form and tell us, why YOU have to be on the conference. On March 7th the 30 lucky winners where picked, two days of exciting talks from first class experts are waiting. The regular price of the 2 day ticket is 699 Euro, so if you are still a student, don't miss the opportunity.
"We work a lot with students and so we know how importand it is to get some insides into life after university and learn from people that are specialists in there field. To get these insides it is a pretty good idea to take part in a conference such as the MobileTech. Unfortionately this is normaly too expensive for students. To strengthen the IT place Munich we initiated the MTC Campus Initiative and luckily Software & Support Media liked and supported the idea."
Markus Bokowsky Co-Founder and CEO Bokowsky + Laymann and MTC Advisory Board Member
"Software & Support Media had been founded over a decade ago, when we had been still students ourself. Ever since that founding days we tried never to loose the students perspective in all what we do. So there are discounts for students through our complete product range. So we are very happy to support Initiatives like the Campus Initiative to support students while they are still in University."
Sebastian Meyen Chief Content Officer, S&S Media Group
You are no student anymore, but also want to be up-to-date on whats going on in the mobile world? Then don't miss MobileTech Con 2013 in Munich. It's a 4 days conference this time. Starting on March 11th with workshops for beginners, than the main conference on 12 and 13 March with more than 60 talks and it ends - new to the conference - with a Ninja day on Thursday, a day for experts with expert know-how from experts on iOS, Android and responsive Web. Our very own Markus Bokowsky had been again part of the Advisory Board, so we are pretty confident, that there will be again a first class program waiting for us.
Our Picks - Please note, most of the talks will be in German.
Neuerungen des iOS-6-Frameworks
Ivo Wessel
12.03.2013 | 10:15 - 11:15 AM | Forum 7 More information
KEYNOTE: About TV, Social and Mobile: Going from the big Screen to the second Screen
Andrew Grill
12.03.2013 | 2:00-2:30 PM | Forum 1+2 More information
Wie die Mobilisierung der Information den Onlinejournalismus verändert
Stefan Plöchinger - Sü
12.03.2013 | 4:45 - 5:15 PM | Forum 6 More information
Responsive Design for Android Juhani Lehtimäki - Snapp TV Ltd.
13.03.2013 | 9:45 - 10:45 AM | Forum 2 More information
Near Field Communication (NFC) in Japan Gregor Hohpe - Google
13.03.2013 | 11:15 - 12:15 AM | Forum 6 More information
Responsive Design im Projektalltag bei
Stephan Köpp - GmbH und Michael Fleck USEEDS° GmbH
13.03.2013 | 2:15 - 3:15 PM | Forum 6 More information
Die Grenzen der Cross-Plattform-Entwicklung Robert Virkus - Enough Software
13.03.2013 | 2:15 - 3:15 PM | Forum 15 More information
Warum Mobile das neue Social ist
Martin Szugat - SnipClip GmbH
13.03.2013 | 5:00 - 6:00 PM | Forum 6 More information
Bildbearbeitung mit iOS: Verwenden von Filtern und Gesichtserkennung Uwe Frieser - adorsys GmbH & Co. KG
13.03.2013 | 5:00 - 6:00 PM | Forum 7 More information
Join us at #mtc13 Of course we're also again part of the show. We're present with a booth in the Expo and Markus will host the business track and will hold a talk there. Come and visit us, we'd love to show you our brand new Apps, talk about Augmented-Reality or all the other hot topics of the industry. Of course the will be again a special surprise, last year, we had royal choclate, let's wait and see what it will be this time.
Markus Talk will be at March 12th 11.45 - 12.45 in Forum 6 and it will be about the mobile Trends for the near and medium future.
Mobile Trends 2013 – 12.03.2013 | 11:45 - 12:45 AM | Forum 6 Mobile changed everything - we all know that. The things we develop every day are used in every possible way and situation, but sitting in front of a PC is rather rare. But what's next? What industries will change rapidly or will be changed without notice in the near future by mobile? What are the trends, that we will be confronted with till the end of the year, and what does this all mean for Developers and Specialists? This talk tries to give you some insides into the current situation and a outlook for the next 12 months.
When you're curently on a shoestring, don't worry, there is also something in for you: The MobileTech Open, also known as Community Night. On Thuesday March 12 starting 6.30pm MobileTech is offering a free program for those who registered.
Here is the schedule of MobileTechCon Open:
6.30 - 7.45 pm
Welcome with snacks and drinks
7.45 - 8.15 pm
Keynote: "(Mobile) Web Design today: The good, the bad, the nice and the ugly"
by Oliver Reichenstein
8.30 - 9 pm
"The new and innovative Mobile Computing Platform ´BlackBerry 10´"
by Aaron Ardiri
9 pm - late
MobileTech Award Ceremony, Networking and drinks.
We're curious to hear what Oliver Reichenstein has to say, he is the mastermind behind the popular iOS App iA Writer and will talk about technical innovations for a heterogenious device ecosystem.
Germany's App Market is amongst the largest worldwide. After premiering at last years MTC the MobileTech Awards will be given again to the best mobile Apps developed in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
There are Awards for the following categories
Lifestyle & Entertainment
Information & Service
Productivity & Business
How it works: A jury of mobile Experts picked some outstanding Apps form the last 12 months in the regarding category. Part of the Jury had been, a.o. Zoe Adamovicz, Stefan Bielau, Tim Herbig, Nico Lumma, Florian Resatsch, Christiane Treckmann, Ossi Urchs and oops, Markus Bokowsky.
The community - thats YOU folks - voted online for a winner in every category. These 3 winners together with a grand jury price will be awarded 9pm onward at the MobileTech Open.
Welcome Back Social Media Club We are very excited to anounce, that after one year of absence, the Social Media Club is back to MTC. On monday night, smcmuc will be all about SoLoMo - Social Local Mobile. If you know the Social Media Club, you already know, that the program is always first class and the tickets are sold out within days. So have a close eye on their website not to miss the start of the registration period or follow them on the social web.
Yes, it still exists, and yes, we'll probably be there again. Thats really all we need to say, see you in the beautiful city of hannover. If your have more than a day, check out the Global Conference and the Webciety in
Hall 6.
CeBIT 2013,
06. - 10. March 2013,
Messegelände Hannover
On a international level, Barcelona is the place to be for mobile experts again at the end of February.
The MWC circus moved a bit further west and meets first time at Fira Gran Via in Barcelona.
Mobile World Congress 2013,
25. - 28. February 2013,
Fira Gran Via Barcelona
Deutsche Spuren, German Traces, בעקבות גרמניה, Alemanha Aqui, Stopy nemeckej kultúry
This is our first really international App. It's a location based service App for the Goethe-Institut - the Federal Republic of Germany’s cultural institution operational worldwide - and it hitted the App-Story a couple of days ago. The App is your guide to traces of german history and present for various countries and places.