For the internationally active cultural institute of the
Federal Republic of Germany we have opened a branch
office in the virtual world of Second Life. The Goethe-Institut island presents a rich and varied programme of
events and information for everyone with an interest in Germany and
the German language.
We learn languages best by speaking them. On the Goethe SIM, communication
among visitors is promoted in the spirit of this principle. For
instance, the Café Goethe offers space and opportunity for communication
with other avatars. Here, you can not only meet friends in a relaxed
atmosphere, you also have the option of taking part in a daily, 1-hour
voice-chat rendezvous for learning German, moderated by experienced
tutors. In addition, a free, 1-hour course in German is offered on a weekly
basis in a virtual classroom.
A prominent media artist is given the opportunity to initiate his or her
own projects in a studio in Second Life for a six month period. First to do
so are the Italian artist couple Eva and Franco Mattes, with their virtual
tribute to Joseph Beuys.
Two exhibition surfaces in which current exhibitions present cultural and
societal themes take up the lion's share of space in the Goethe-Institute's
Second Life programme. Starting things off are the exhibitions "Tropics"
and "Young German Fashion Photographers".
On the Goethe Island, visitors are offered a survey of the Goethe-Institute's
comprehensive program. The Goethe-Institute's world-wide network of
institutes is visualised in an innovative, 3-dimenisional format: for example,
all of the Goethe-Institute's current events are shown on a walkon
map of the world. And high points of the Goethe-Institute's work in
recent years are presented in films on large-format video screens.
Our virtual Goethe-Institute will also serve as a platform for live performances
and cultural events on a regular basis; a concert by the popular
singer and entertainer Bernd Begemann was on our programm right
at the beginning. We created an avatar for the artist to implement his
performance: Begemann played live during the event in the (real) rooms
of the Goethe-Institute's Munich headquarters, and was incarnated by
his avatar inworld.
Die Präsenz des Goethe-Instituts in Second Life wurde am 28.Juli 2008 mit einem Live-Konzert des RL Musikers Bernd Begemann eröffnet. Einen Mitschnitt seines Hits "Ich Habe Nichts Erreicht Außer Dir" gibt es jetzt auch als Musikvideo. Viel Vergnügen.
Der Second Life Auftritt von Bernd Begemann zum Einbau auf Ihrer Webseite:
The Goethe Island's architecture is modern, spacious and inviting, intentionally
free of any reference to typically "German" clichés. The
SIM's construction plays with the specific design possibilities of virtual
worlds in an abundance of different ways. The visual implementation of
the Goethe-Institute's Second Life presence will thus communicate the
information it offers in a contemporary fashion and fulfill our goal of
presenting Germany as a modern, cosmopolitan country.
Wer einen Blick auf die inWorld Präsenz des Goethe-Instituts werfen möchte, ohne sich bei Second Life einzuloggen, dem empfehlen wir den neuen Promotion Trailer. Er zeigt komprimiert auf 2:42 Minuten die vielfältigen Angebote auf der Insel des Goethe-Instituts in Second Life.
Der Promotion-Trailer des Goethe-Instituts zum Einbau auf Ihrer Webseite:
"We wish to expand our comprehensive online programme with our Second
Life project, and collect new experiences in terms of event formats
and instruction methods in 3-D environments. By developing innovative
concepts for the promotion of intercultural dialogue, we are meeting the
cultural policy challenges of globalisation. The Goethe-Institute's presence
in Second Life will become a meeting place for all with an interest
in German culture."
Klaus Brehm,
Director of the Internet Department of the Goethe-Institute.
Goethe-Institut in Second Life: Modern, spacious and inviting architecture.
Café Goethe: Daily moderated 1-hour voice-chat.
Current exhibition: Young German Fashion Photographers.
Current exhibition: Young German Fashion Photographers.
Current exhibition: The tropics.
Virtual classroom: Free 1-hour German courses.
Streaming media: View clips of events at Goethe-Instituts around the globe.
Concerts on Goethe-Institut: Bernd Begemann Live.
Walk the world: Newsfeeds from Goethe-Instituts all over the world.
The Goethe-Institut is the cultural institute
representing the Federal Republic of Germany
internationally. Its functions include
promoting German language competence
abroad and developing and cultivating international
cultural cooperation.
Concept and implemetation of a presence in
Second Life.